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  1. Evaluation of the Permaculture Movement and its Limitations for Sustainable Transition

    An Honors Thesis presentation by Olivia Miller will be presented at 10:00 a.m. in 333C Kottman Hall. Her presentation is Evaluation of the Permaculture Movement and its Limitations for Sustainable Transition. ...

  2. Majors

      The majors that we offer in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) are all focused on giving you the best education in the area of your interest.  We acknowledge that each student’s interests in ENR are diverse and personal, so our curri ...

  3. ENR Young Alumni Event

    ENR Alumni are invited to enjoy a good time with recent grads at the 16-Bit Bar and Arcade located at 254 S 4th St. in Columbus. Contact Brent Macolley for more info. ...

  4. Conflict or Coexistence: Living with animals that can kill us

    The Columbus Natural History Society welcomes Jeremy Bruskotter, SENR Associate Professor. Bruskotter will present Conflict or Coexistence: Living with animals that can kill us at 7:30 p.m. in the OSU Museum of Biological Diversity at 1315 Kinnear Rd. For ...

  5. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    For full details and registration information, please consult ...

  6. Pesticide Recertification & Fertilizer Certification


  7. Agronomy Webinars


  8. West Ohio Agronomy Day


  9. Ag Tax Issues Update

    For further details and registration information, please consult ...

  10. Champaign ANR Stats

    Facts about Champaign County Agriculture: Since the 1950’s, Champaign County has had a modern farming economy. By then we had tractors, herbicides and hybrid corn. As more people moved from the farm,  we required more mechanization to accomplish farm task ...
