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  1. 2022 CFAES Award Winners

    working on research related to soybean, wheat, and hybrid rye planting dates and seeding rates. We are ...

  2. Farmland Value Expected to Take Direction from Crop Margins and Interest Rates in 2015

    past three years, several factors, including continued low interest rates, low debt-to-asset ratios and ... margins and interest rates. “Projected budgets for Ohio’s primary crops for 2015 show the potential for ... together with higher property taxes will likely continue to lend support to cash rental rates.” Lower ...

  3. Phosphorus Removal Structure (NRCS 782)

    DP concentration flow through the PSM in the structure at a suitable flow rate while allowing enough ... no longer effective at removing P at the minimum desired rate. Some materials are available that ... the desired P removal at  the chosen flow rate and RT. An important factor in design is PSM selection. ...

  4. Canaries in a coal mine: Energy transitions in Appalachian coal regions, and a roadmap for the rocky transition out of coal

    highest poverty rates and lowest household incomes. A fair transition seems to be the least society can ...

  5. Emilia G. Sgambati

    percentages in calf starters to improve their growth rates over two years. In addition to her own research, ...

  6. Meredith M. Oglesby

    conducted undergraduate research with Dr. Emily Buck, which focused on social media engagement rates ...

  7. Ohio Agricultural Loan Delinquencies Have Stabilized in 2019

    has been a slight uptick in delinquency rates, but they remain under 2%, which is a significant ... benchmark as delinquency rates remained above 2% for several years following the 2008 Farm Financial Crisis. ... The average delinquency rate for Ohio farm production loans for the recent 12 months was 1.06%, while ...

  8. Giving shoppers a nudge to forgo plastic bags

    will reach a steady rate that lasts.” Anecdotal evidence suggested the program was popular among ...

  9. Unemployment Rates Rise Due to Coronavirus Economy

    Drs. Mark Partridge and Ian Sheldon discuss the recent rise in unemployment rates due to the ...

  10. Barry Ward

    File Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2016 Date published: Jun 29 2016 Publication type: Policy brief Our ... others is often referred to as “custom farm work” or more simply “custom work”. A “custom rate” is the ... The custom rates reported in this publication are based on a statewide survey of 365 farmers, custom ...
