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  1. Survival Rates and Harvest Patterns of Ohio-Banded Canada Geese

    Shirkey, BT; Gates, RJ; Ervin, MD. 2018. Survival Rates and Harvest Patterns of Ohio-Banded Canada ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar via Zoom- Connor Rosenblatt

    Bobwhites are declining at an alarming rate across most of their range, largely due to habitat loss from ...

  3. EPN Virtual Event- Talking Trash: A Primer on Central Ohio's Waste Stream

    At SWACO, Kyle is leading efforts to help Franklin County achieve a 75% waste diversion rate by 2032 ...

  4. TWEL Kristie Stein Thesis

    To examine rates of reproductive success, I monitored Black-crowned Night-Heron nests at two ... mixed-species breeding colonies in Lake Erie. I found that nest success rates were high in relation to breeding ... at a disadvantage in terms of growth rates, as those with slow growth were also less likely to ...

  5. CO2-C evolution rate in an incubation study with straw input to soil managed by different tillage systems

    Li, X.S.; Han, H. F.; Ning, T. Y.; Lal, R. 2018. CO2-C evolution rate in an incubation study with ...

  6. New fertilizer guide for field crops

    potassium and nitrogen levels. The new recommended rates for nitrogen are intended to increase farmers’ ...

  7. SENR News Highlights

    fertilizer efficiency.  The article is based on a study that examined corn nitrogen (N) rate trials ...

  8. Ohio State News features research on energy-conservation plans

    Nature Energy finds that decisions to stay in time-of-use rate energy programs among utility customers in ...

  9. Flame-Front Rate of Spread Estimates for Moderate Scale Experimental Fires Are Strongly Influenced by Measurement Approach

    Flame-Front Rate of Spread Estimates for Moderate Scale Experimental Fires Are Strongly Influenced by ...

  10. Dig into soil health at Feb. 14 workshop

    the OEFFA conference has varying registration fees, from a one-day OEFFA member rate of $110 to a full ... conference nonmember rate of $230. Discount rates for children and students are also being offered. Details ...
