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Farmland Rental and Lease Considerations
regarding farmland rental rates and lease agreements. While the land rental rate drives land rental ... “What is the land rental rate for Wayne County?” Unfortunately, the land rental market is not ... markets. Most commonly, land rental rate values are based upon word of mouth conversations or surveys. ...
Best Management Spray Practices
to fall rather than be carried away. But, for a given rate, the number of droplets a nozzle produces ... choose a nozzle based on the desired rate for a given pressure. As the sprayer changed speed, this would ... lead to over — or under — application. So, for convenience and consistency, most growers use rate ...
Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates for Corn
1 pound/ acre of N before the V4 stage, but N uptake rates will increase dramatically through tasseling. ... N uptake does continue beyond tasseling and into grain fill, but at much lower rates. Research at Ohio ... determining N rates. It’s also important to consider the likelihood of economic return to invested ...
Late Summer Hay Seeding
both seeding rate and planting depth. Remember to adjust rates on treated seed. Finally, do not harvest ...
Cover Crop Termination
degrees. The growth stage and the height of the cover crop will determine the rate of herbicide that must ... be used. As the height increases, generally the herbicide rate will need to increase and possibly ... the gallon/acre rate may increase to insure better coverage. Cover crops like winter wheat and cereal ...
Winter Wheat Stand Assessment and Fertilization
herbicides. Herbicides are rated by their effectiveness in controlling either winter annual, summer annual or ...
Utilizing Lower Quality Forages in the Dairy Ration
increase feeding rate without running out before new crop. If increased feeding rate of corn silage is an ... concentration at <20%. At lower inclusion rates, the negative effect of lower quality forage on feed intake ... of forage in the diet means that inclusion rates of other feeds must increase. Be careful about ...
Focus on Health in 2021
all good options. What serves to elevate your heart rate and decrease the tension or stress? *Take ...
Corn Stalks Provide Another Grazing Option
or strip grazing, diet quality could fall to a 40-45% TDN and 5% crude protein level. The rate of ... decline is dependent upon stocking rate, time allotted to graze a given area and environmental ...
ARC/PLC Considerations for 2021
while PLC’s is the commodity loan rates. The 2021 PLC caps are as follows: corn at 41%, soybeans at 26%, ...