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  1. Septic Tank Soil Treatment Systems

    design process based on linear loading rates and the soils infiltrative capacity. Click here to purchase ...

  2. OSU Economist: U.S., Ohio Economies Will See Continued but Slow Growth

    at reasonable rates. However, “more innovation in policy is needed to shake both from the current ... rates?” he said. “First, it takes a long time to turn around a state’s fortunes, and sometimes it is just ...

  3. Land Value and Cash Rents

    conditions. In turn, interest rates, although rising, remain low helping to boost land values. Although cash ... on cash rents. In 2018, reports from the Chicago Fed, show a decrease in cash rental rates for ... remain stable in 2018. Interest rates in 2017 were the lowest since the 1960s. Lower interest rates imply ...

  4. Ohio CAUV Value Projections for 2018

    yields, prices, non-land costs, and capitalization rate (derived from interest rates on farmland) that is ... the increase in CAUV values since 2007, have been high prices for crops and falling interest rates ... means that the 2018 CAUV values will utilize crop prices and interest rates from 2011 to 2017. The ...

  5. Pandemic worsening food insecurity

    Bringing higher rates of unemployment and poverty, the pandemic has also pushed more people into ...

  6. Bumper Profits Aren't Predicted for Ohio Farmers but the Ag Economy is Not Repeating the 1980s

    University.  Farm mortgage interest rates now are only 4-5% as compared to the interest rates of 17% in the ... individuals as was the case in the 1980s, she said. The rate of farm bankruptcies during the last quarter was ... 2 out of 10,000 farms while during the farm crisis in the 1980s, the bankruptcy rate was tenfold, at 20 ...

  7. Increased Global Grain Production Means Lower Grain Prices for U.S. Growers

    to build capital Refinancing any and all loans and mortgages into 10-year fixed rates Holding off ...

  8. Demonstrating Manure Spreader Calibration at Field Days

    estimated application rates either too high or too low. 50% of farmers surveyed estimated an application ... rate that was one-half of what was actually needed. It was showed the importance of calibrating ... a manure spreader to get the correct application rate. Click here to view the full text. ...

  9. Farm Income Expected to Rise

    rates and farm bankruptcies, which are still at historic low levels.  “Agricultural loan delinquency ... rates for Ohio commercial banks have been at 1.3% since September 2016, a lower rate than 1.71% for US ... commercial banks,” according to Dinterman.  “Ohio farm bankruptcy rates has been at 0.93 bankruptcies per ...

  10. Trade Economist Says China Could Lose Its Competitive Edge Due to Rising Worker Wages

    wages had risen by 13.8 percent per annum, outstripping China’s average real GDP growth rate of 12.7 ...
