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  1. 2014 Publications

    ML, Day ML, Geary TW. 2014. Effect of follicle age on conception rate in beef heifers. J ANIM SCI ... 2014. The effect of follicle age on pregnancy rate in beef cows. J ANIM SCI 92(3) 1015-1021. Ahn J, Li ... follicle diameter, timing of artificial insemination, and ovulatory stimulus on pregnancy rate to ...

  2. Anthracnose Management on Greens (Basal Rot Anthracnose)

    greens mowers. Divert traffic away from affected areas by moving cups frequently. Apply light rates of ... rate of fungicide. By using the high volume of water the fungicide(s) are placed in the crown area and ... application of the high labeled rate of chlorothalonil. Since chlorothalonil is a contact fungicide, a maximum ...

  3. Interviewing

    early and dress appropriately for the interview. A recent study found that interviewers rated 40% of all ...

  4. 2010: A Year Like 1995

    rates, proper delivery, minimal mixing of materials. 12.               Minimal annual bluegrass on ...

  5. Jay Martin to Lead Field to Faucet and Global Water Initiative

    launched, Martin said.   One app under development will allow farmers to record nutrient application rates ...

  6. Proposal Writing Resources

    Rates across Agencies Federal agencies report on number of proposals received and number of proposals ...


    the high label rate, shortest timing interval, apply in the proper amount of water to place the ... PRODUCT:                RATE:                       FAMILY:                  MOBILITY: ...

  8. Rust on Turfgrass

    suppressing the disease. Remember to follow application rates and make sure the fungicide is labeled for your ...

  9. Big Data, Water Quality Focus of Conservation Tillage Conference March 3-4

    benefits of continuous no-till Variable rate seeding Using gypsum to reduce phosphorus problems The CTC ...

  10. Publications

    rates(1). Poult Sci 95(4):934-47. Cobellis G, Trabalza-Marinucci M, Yu Z. 2016. Critical evaluation of ...
