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  1. SENR Director's Note 11.19

    consistently rated a top experience of students in the class and it’s great to be able to offer it once again.  ...

  2. With NSF Investment Team to Study Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems to Monitor and Predict Wildland Fire Behavior in Eastern Forests

    fuel factors in temperate hardwood forests influence fire intensity and rate of spread through ...

  3. Full List of 2020 Publications

    Adams, B., Iverson, L., Matthews, S., Peters, M., Prasad, A., and Hix, D. 2020. Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Evaluation of Seasonal Composites and Harmonic Regression.   Remote Sensing   12 (4), 610; ...

  4. 2021 Ohio Wheat Performance Test

    the seeding rate used for each of their varieties. Test sites were planted within twenty-one days ... disease screening nursery at Wooster. FHB was rated as the percentage of spikelets showing diseased ... were rated at about Feekes growth stage 11.3 as the average percent flag leaf and spike area diseased, ...

  5. Graduate Exit Seminar via Zoom- Maggie Beetstra

    encourage them to increase adoption rates of conservation practices, including winter cover crops, on their ... form of both time and money due to the practice’s complexity. Despite recent efforts, rates of cover ...

  6. Canaries in a coal mine: Energy transitions in Appalachian coal regions, and a roadmap for the rocky transition out of coal

    Appalachia has some of the nation’s highest poverty rates and lowest household incomes. A fair transition ...

  7. Wide Row Wheat

    years and locations the plots were planted within 10 days after the fly-safe date at the rate of 25 ... stimulate fall growth, tillering and improve winter hardiness. Because the seeding rate per foot of row for ... date. 3. A seeding rate of 25 to 29 seeds per foot of row (0.85 to 1 million seeds per acre) is ...

  8. MicroTrop 2014 In Pictures

     biodiversity to bioinformatics and experimental design.       Photos Courtesy of Amanda Davey, Program Manager, ...

  9. TWEL Meaghan Gade Dissertation

    decreases with elevation but reproductive rates and growth increase with elevation. Both survival and ...

  10. Graduate Exit Seminar via Zoom- Evan Amber

    surveys in terms of detection rates, detection probability, and cost-efficiency; (2) determine optimal ...
