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  1. CFAES Increasing Agriculture Productivity in East Africa

    contributing to the region’s malnutrition rate. Insects can transmit the viruses from plant to plant, field to ...

  2. Just Released: Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2020

    A “custom rate” is the amount agreed upon by both parties to be paid by the custom work customer to the ... custom work provider. Ohio Farm Custom Rates This publication reports custom rates based on a statewide ... survey of 377 farmers, custom operators, farm managers, and landowners conducted in 2020. These rates ...

  3. County Outlook Meeting

    and trade, indicators and their accuracy, and financial stress including ag loan delinquency rates and ... bankruptcy rates. Register:​​​​​​​ ...

  4. Genotyping

    using the Fluidigm Access Array System Illumina sequencing on the MiSeq or HiSeq Bioinformatics support ...

  5. 2021 Ohio Wheat Performance Test

    the seeding rate used for each of their varieties. Test sites were planted within twenty-one days ... disease screening nursery at Wooster. FHB was rated as the percentage of spikelets showing diseased ... were rated at about Feekes growth stage 11.3 as the average percent flag leaf and spike area diseased, ...

  6. USDA rolls out its Pandemic Assistance for Producers Initiative

    Increased CFAP1 payment rates for cattle.  Cattle producers eligible under CFAP1 will automatically receive ... payments based on inventory of cattle between April 16, 2020 and May 14, 2020.  Rates per head will be $7 ... Additional payments of $20 per acre for producers of eligible flat-rate or price-trigger crops under CFAP2, ...

  7. Wide Row Wheat

    years and locations the plots were planted within 10 days after the fly-safe date at the rate of 25 ... stimulate fall growth, tillering and improve winter hardiness. Because the seeding rate per foot of row for ... date. 3. A seeding rate of 25 to 29 seeds per foot of row (0.85 to 1 million seeds per acre) is ...

  8. Cropland values and cash rents for Western Ohio: survey results are in

    rents. The primary factors affecting these values and rates are land productivity and potential crop ... demand of cropland will determine the value or rental rate for each parcel. The Western Ohio Cropland ... surveyed professionals with a knowledge of Ohio’s cropland values and rental rates. Professionals surveyed ...

  9. CFAP Program for Beef Producers

    Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC).  Because of this, payment rates ... April 15, 2020 multiplied by the corresponding animal species CFAP Act payment rate per head. See CARES ... Act payment rate in Table 1. Part 2:  The highest amount of livestock inventory (number of head) on ...

  10. Revised Winter Malting Barley Guide Available

    includes updated seeding rate and soil fertility recommendations. ...
