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  1. Insect Allies: How the Enemies of Corn May Someday Save It

    gene editing easier to perform and has a high success rate. “Only a few short years ago, the project’s ...

  2. Chow Line: Follow produce safety guidelines

    time, the report noted that when you consider consumption rates, fruits and vegetables are among the ...

  3. 2018 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Conference

    a special rate of $119.00 which includes breakfast for a King room for June 8 nearby at the Quail Hollow ... Resort.  Info can be found at In order to receive the conference rate ...

  4. Two CFAES Scientists Contribute to National Climate Assessment

    dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, their rate of uptake is expected to decline due to climate change impacts. ...

  5. Manure Science Review Set for July 25

    counties, Stachler said, waterhemp is “spreading at alarming rates.” He said his talk will share ways to ...

  6. Ohio State Researchers Examine Rapid Weight Loss Associated with Cancer

    ultimately resulting in finding ways to treat the condition and improve cancer survival rates. Working with ...

  7. Family Fundamentals: Help student heading to college set a budget

    amounts. And bounced check fees can add up very quickly and damage your son’s credit rating. For a simple ...

  8. 2014 North Central Regional Aquaculture Conference

    419-381-6800 and mention North Central Aquaculture Conference to reserve a room at this special rate.  Hotel ...

  9. Hanging Baskets: How to Select, Keep Them Alive Longer

    apply fertilizer at recommended rates for the type of plant and its size. Other factors to consider ...

  10. What the ‘Quiet Crisis’ of Soil Loss Does to Crop Yields, Greenhouse Gases

    be restored, a topic called rate of new soil formation. Publication a ‘special prize’ ...
