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  1. Considerations for Managing Higher Fertilizer Prices on Your Dairy

    not a good substitute when starter fertilizer is needed. Apply Recommended Rates Applying the correct ...

  2. Heat Stress in 2021: Will it be Intense?

    by 1.2 to 2 times normal rates, leading to water needs per cow of up to 52 gal/day. Frequent checking ... flow rates to keep your cows cool this year. Also, work with your nutritionist to make plans for ration ...

  3. Keeping Cows and Calves Cool Through Ventilation System Maintenance

    motors have electric efficiency ratings, but the higher efficiency motors have more copper windings which ... also consider the fans efficiency rating. For tunnel ventilation fans, look for a minimum efficiency ... rating of 20 cfm/watt at 0.05-inches static pressure. Tunnel ventilation and exhaust fans are rated under ...

  4. USDA Projects Dairy Production to 2030

    a compound annual growth rate of 1.1% over the next 10 years, reaching 248 billion pounds in 2030. With slow ... expected to increase from 2020 to 2021. Milk production in 2022 is projected to grow at a rate slower than ...

  5. Steps to Speed up Field Curing of Hay Crops

    Consider Desiccants Desiccants are chemicals applied when mowing the crop that increase the drying rate ... best under good drying conditions. They do not help increase drying rate when conditions are humid, ... hay. Carefully follow the preservative manufacturer’s directions and application rates for the hay ...

  6. Assessing Calf Death Losses in a Beef-Dairy Crossbreeding Program

    performance, cows had an overall 42% conception rate (CR) with 28% 21-day pregnancy rate (PR) and replacement ... pregnancy results in the birth of one calf. However, the birth of two or more calves could occur at a rate ... regardless of sires. The overall twining rate was ~1% for first-calf heifers, ~4% for lactation 1, and ~7% ...

  7. Steps to Speed Up Field Curing of Hay Crops

    mowing the crop that increase the drying rate. The most effective desiccants contain potassium carbonate ... increase drying rate when conditions are humid, damp, and cloudy, such as we have often experienced this ... directions and application rates for the hay moisture content at baling. Be sure the application is uniform ...

  8. Estimating fiber content of alfalfa in fields across Ohio

    weather conditions affect the rate of bud and flower development in alfalfa and this method can be ...

  9. Managing Forage Stands Damaged by Fall Armyworm

    fields. Base the application rate on a recent soil test. A sufficient nutrient supply will help the crop ...

  10. Oats as a Late Summer Forage Crop

    yield changed based on plating date and nitrogen rate. Similar to previous studies, applying 46 lb/acre ... recommended nitrogen rate for summer oat forage is to apply 50 lb/acre of nitrogen at planting. When planted ... planting date and nitrogen application (lb/acre). Not only does nitrogen rate affect yield but also the ...
