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  1. 2021 SURGe Program- Texas A&M University

    members that also includes a 3-credit hour Bioinformatics class. The  free  online  application   is now ... open for summer 2021 admissions until  February 15 th, 2021. The introductory Bioinformatics class will ... provide training in modern bioinformatics tools via command-line that are used in genetics and genomics ...

  2. Animal Growth and Development

    industries continue to emphasize more efficient growth rates and acceptable meat quality. Specific ...

  3. Progress in coupling models of human and coastal landscape change

    coupled human/natural systems. First, climate change, by accelerating the rates of landscape change, tends ... rates and changing storm patterns tend to increase shoreline change rates, which can induce more ... vigorous shoreline stabilization efforts. However, property values can fall dramatically as erosion rates ...

  4. Texas A&M Ph.D. in Genetics and Genomics

    range of Specialties: Bioinformatics and Genomics; Conservation, Population and Evolution Genetics; ...

  5. AEDE welcomes Assistant Professor Yao Wang

    pollution, and how housing discrimintion and the suburbanization of jobs may impact the unemployment rate in ...

  6. Texas A&M Ph.D. in Genetics and Genomics

    range of Specialties: Bioinformatics and Genomics; Conservation, Population and Evolution Genetics; ...

  7. Archive

                A rchive for "What's New?" (2010-2022) 2022 See article, "Where Are We Headed on Global Food Prices?", Ohio Ag Manager, November 29, 2022 See presentation, “Global Economic Outlook” Outlook and Policy Conference 2022, ...

  8. The value of disappearing beaches: A hedonic pricing model with endogenous beach width

    value of coastal residential property can fall by as much as 52% when erosion rate triples and cost of ...

  9. Unemployment in Ohio at the end of 2021

    This short article discusses changes in the unemployment rate in Ohio, broken down by important ... categories: first, the unemployment rate over time, followed by the unemployment rate by metro versus ... there is a brief discussion of what the unemployment rate means and how it is calculated, with ...

  10. Emergent behavior in a coupled economic and coastline model for beach nourishment

    increases in the rate of sea-level rise can destabilize economically optimal nourishment practices into ...
