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  1. Ohio State plans for reactivated campuses in 2021-22

    conducted more than 400,000 student tests since the start of the current academic year, and positivity rates ...

  2. What can I do?

    around retention. Ohio State ATI’s retention rate is 71.1% (2019)*, which is well above 62%**, the ... retention rate. So, we must retention ROCKSTARS! Well … if we look at retention from the standpoint of loss, ... reducing the dropout rate and increasing the subsequent term GPAs. Fingers crossed! Retention rates ...

  3. From 4-H to the Olympics: Ohio native part of USA Shooting National Junior Team

    a steady heart rate, and control of your emotions to become great. Without 4-H, we wouldn’t have made all ...

  4. Updates from the Business Office- Rental and Fleet Vehicle Requests

    control fan in the “on” position set at outdoor air circulation with maximum flow rate. Keep all windows ...

  5. WW is proven to help people lose weight and feel happier

    spouses, and dependents (18+) enrolled in the OSU Health Plan are eligible for the WW discounted rates and ...

  6. 4-H Night with the Cincinnati Reds

    discounted ticket rates, counties will earn $4 from each ticket purchased using the link below and have their ...

  7. Friendly Reminder about increase to minimum wage

    hourly pay rate for new non-tipped employees starting November 11, 2018.       ...

  8. CFAES Wooster new umbrella term for Ohio State location

    placement rate for all ATI graduates within four months of graduation. Many students who start at ATI also ...

  9. New Homepage testing

    tuition rates.  Tuition and Fee General Information   Descriptions of a Few Courses and Examples of ...

  10. Wooster Campus Updates

    trees, shrubs and ATI grown fall mum’s. Check out their website  Fall rates ...
