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  1. Heat and Colostrum, Friend and Foe

    absorption rates can approach 50% shortly after birth, they decline rapidly towards zero within the first 24 ...

  2. 2016 Dairy Margin Protection Program Decision Time-Clock Winding Down

    4 million pounds of covered milk will be charged at the full rate.  There was a 25% reduction in these ...

  3. Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs

    meetings or Workers Compensation group-rating programs. Our staff will work with you to design a program ...

  4. Spring Alfalfa Stand Evaluation

    rating system, along with color photo illustrations that can be used to make a root health assessment. ...

  5. Ohio State, Maryland team up for new sustainability knowledge assessment

    Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System  (STARS) to test their students' sustainability ...

  6. Endeavor Center and Small Business Development Center

    year. We have been operating at a 100% occupancy rate for 2016. North Wind Construction Services LLC was ...

  7. Extension aquaculture highlights

    help increase the rate of information dissemination to the general public. In-service trainings on pond ...

  8. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    time to lie down after milking averaged 38 to 39 minutes, which is considered very good. At rates ...

  9. Working With Creditors When Times Are Tight

    over the next few months? Can you negotiate an interest rate less than the 18 to 30% frequently charged ...

  10. Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics

    called urease. Urease is produced by numerous bacteria that live in soil and feces. The rate at which ...
