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  1. Energy Conservation in the Home

    the stock market has gone up and down. The unemployment rate remains high. Gasoline prices rise and ...

  2. Bill Mead '81: Career proves value of two-year degree

    He initially planned to return to the family farm with his uncle. “But 1980 was when interest rates ...

  3. Red Thread and Leaf Spot are Active!

    fertilizer at modest rate to encourage healthy turf and recovery. Often a starter fertilizer is recommended.- ...

  4. Encouraging Ohioans to Implement Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

    projects. Not yet adopters have implemented energy efficiency measures at a considerably higher rate than ...

  5. Ghana Study Abroad Program Celebrates 10 Years

    that the banks' interest rates were at least 100 percent. Also, the banks will not loan to the ...

  6. Fungicides, Red Thread, Leaf Spots, Patch Diseases and Dollar Spot

    this disease period but avoid high rates of nitrogen which will increase severity. Application of ...

  7. Rust, Commerical Turf Update, Sample Submission and Events

    Remember to follow application rates and make sure the fungicide is labeled for your area of application. ...

  8. Pastures and Pipelines

    method to be used and seeding rates.   It may also be helpful to provide a description on how the area is ...

  9. Fungicides, Gray Leaf Spot, Turf Events and More

    the right chemicals in the tank to cover the “disease of the week”. Take a look at the rates and ... label rate if this does not increase possible phytotoxicity. Watch what you are putting in the tank, the ...

  10. Red Thread and Leaf Spot are Active!

    fertilizer at modest rate to encourage healthy turf and recovery. Often a starter fertilizer is recommended. ...
