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  1. Spring Hayfield Scouting

    can help you rate crowns (Undersander et al., 2011). A healthy stand will have less than 30% of crowns ... rating 3 or 4 and no crowns in the count rating 5, which are dead plants.         After you have ...

  2. Filter Strips/Grassed Riparian Buffers (NRCS 393 & 390)

    Kovacic, 1993). For tiled lands, nitrate removal varies with seasonal hydrology. The removal rate was 75 ...

  3. Restored Wetlands (NRCS 657)

    a high Corn Suitability Rating (CSR 80) treating about 100 acres of drainage, would cost just over ...

  4. Feeding for Milk Components

    Increasing inclusion rate of specific supplemental fat (e.g., sources of palmitic acid), Increasing dietary ... means reducing inclusion rate of distiller grains which are usually high in sulfur). During 2023, the ...

  5. Amending Soils with Lime or Gypsum (NRCS 333)

    production or when the field phosphorus index rates high or very high. One field experiment in Ohio measured ... information needed to evaluate the need for lime and determine rates of application of selected material. ...

  6. USDA Dairy Report: March 2023

    compared to January 2022 ($11.54/cwt). Dairy culling rates in the first few weeks of 2023 were at a brisk ...

  7. Milk Price Modernization Proposals

    participation rates with only a third of processors providing data. The voluntary data was also not audited for ...

  8. Peak Demand Energy Management Strategies in Agriculture

    to increased electrical usage, many farms are now on a commercial rate structure. Unlike residential ... rates, which are based primarily on total energy usage measured in kilowatt hours (kWh), commercial ... indicate:         Many farmers are aware they are on a demand rate, however do not fully understand how ...

  9. Ohio Soybean Council Study- Impact of Power Factor With On-Farm Grain Storage Facilities

    electricity rates due to the high demand for electricity needed to power the large motors.  Unlike most ... residential electric rates which are based primarily on total energy usage, commercial accounts are often ...

  10. Considering Dairy Farm Construction in 2023?

    construction materials. Inflation and rising interest rates are beginning to influence the construction ... rates index dropped below 50 which is considered the required amount for construction to remain fully ...
