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  1. Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines

    optimal rates of fertilization on the state’s major crops. The goal is to not only maximize farm ... fertilization rates are common, with some ag retailers recommending higher or lower rates than what’s in the ... trials and gathering a good, robust data set so farmers know what the appropriate application rate really ...

  2. Putting Farm Safety into Practice

    Labor calculates the death rate for agricultural workers to be higher than other workforces. Knowing ...

  3. Late Summer Planting of Perennial Forages

    Illinois Weed Control Guide and always read the specific product label for guidelines on timing and rates ...

  4. Wheat Field Day

    performances of several wheat varieties, the trials also focus on seeding rates, plant pathology and soil ... and what various seeding rates look like,” she said. “The hands-on portion of the workshop offers ...

  5. Add Safety To Your Winter Meetings and Workers’ Compensation Programs

    meetings or Workers Compensation group-rating programs. Our staff will work with you to design a program ...

  6. Agricultural Fertilizer Training Videos Offered Online

    Recommendation. Water Quality and the Fate of Nitrogen. Determining the Nitrogen Rate and Timing for Ohio. Tools ... management techniques needed to achieve the appropriate rate, timing, placement and source for fertilizer ...

  7. Researchers: Toledo Water Crisis Impacted Perceptions of Lake Erie Algae Causes

    the past few years?” with a rating system for eight different possible sources, including animal ... climate change and rural septic tanks. Additionally, survey participants were asked to rate the level of ... risk algal blooms in Lake Erie pose to human health, the Ohio economy and their family, and to rate ...

  8. Ohio’s got hops — thanks to OARDC scientists

    $30 million. Most of that — for now — is sourced out of state. At current use rates, Ohio craft ...

  9. Be Alert to Late-Season Potential Forage Toxicities

    stocking rates (4-6 head of cattle/acre) and rotational grazing to reduce the risk of animals selectively ...

  10. Avoid Forage Toxicities After Frosts

    stocking rates (4-6 head of cattle/acre) and rotational grazing to reduce the risk of animals selectively ...
