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  1. Tomato Genes for Health and Profit: Francis Wins OARDC 'Innovator' Award

    internationally recognized for his application of bioinformatics, gene expression arrays and next-generation ...

  2. Use of Precision Ag Technology Continues to Grow

    February 6, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The adoption rate of precision agriculture by Ohio farmers over ... variable rate applicators to auto-steer guidance systems. The survey is a follow-up to 1999 and 2003 ... surveys, each of which revealed that the adoption rate of precision agriculture among Ohio farmers is still ...

  3. New Nitrogen Recommendations Now Available

    logging on to The information includes a nitrogen rate calculator ... from the soil, but does that translate into higher nitrogen demand? Investigation of nitrogen rate ... Corn Belt have devised a new system that bases optimum nitrogen rates on the current price of ...

  4. Careful Corn Planting Can Reduce Yield Losses

    soil is usually moist and evaporation rate is low, seed should be planted no deeper than 1.5 ... non-crusting soils." • Adjust seeding rates on a field-by-field basis. "Adjust planting rates by ... population," said Thomison. "Most research suggests that planting a hybrid at suboptimal seeding rates is ...

  5. Boosting Dairy Cattle Fertility: New Technologies, Outreach Go Hand in Hand

    reproduction techniques and training that emphasizes proper management. Currently, the national pregnancy rate for dairy ... cows is only 16 percent, while the benchmark rate set by industry experts is 10 points higher, said ... Gustavo Schuenemann, Ohio State University Extension's state dairy veterinarian. Ohio’s rate is about the national ...

  6. Using Custom Rates to Show On-Farm Savings with No-Till

    conservation tillage specialist, said that by using custom rates, farmers can quickly calculate the cost ... Reeder. "Using custom rates provides a nice guide for determining the cost difference between two ... rates gives a good indicator of the potential savings." Reeder said that farmers can realize ...

  7. Growers to See Changes in Nitrogen Application Recommendations

    have offered optimum nitrogen rates based on the maximum yield potential for a particular area. For ... nitrogen rates on the current price of fertilizer and the average price of the crop. So, if nitrogen is 25 ... northwest Ohio, the best nitrogen rate would be 156 pounds, with an application range of 150 to 180 pounds. ...

  8. Get a Handle on Best Fertilizer Methods at Farm Science Review

    participants with a better understanding of corn nitrogen rates for Ohio and Indiana. "We'll be ... rates should actually be," said Mullen, who also holds a partial OARDC research appointment. ... their nitrogen rates. And they want to know which nutrients to apply and which ones they can skip and ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Examine options to choose primary credit card (for March 2007)

    the interest rate (the Annual Percentage Rate or APR), especially if you don't pay off your card ... every month. Interest rates vary widely and can make a big difference on how much you owe. Compare APRs ... to find the lowest rate. Next, look at annual fees. Many cards charge $25, $50 or more each year just ...

  10. Ohio State Expert: Tips Growers Can Use to Get Corn Crop off to a Good Start This Year

    the soil is usually moist and evaporation rate is low, seed should be planted no deeper than 1 1/2 ... ensure good seed-soil contact. Adjust seed planting rates on field-by-field basis: Adjust planting rates ... population. Higher seeding rates are recommended for sites with high yield potential, high soil-fertility ...
