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  1. Spring Alfalfa Stand Evaluation

    rating system, along with color photo illustrations that can be used to make a root health assessment. ...

  2. Software Evaluations

    major processes in the conversion of raw LC-MS data into a format for bioinformatic analysis and ...

  3. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    time to lie down after milking averaged 38 to 39 minutes, which is considered very good. At rates ...

  4. Working With Creditors When Times Are Tight

    over the next few months? Can you negotiate an interest rate less than the 18 to 30% frequently charged ...

  5. Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics

    called urease. Urease is produced by numerous bacteria that live in soil and feces. The rate at which ...

  6. Childcare Fiscal Information

    exceed 40% of requested charges. Based the prevailing childcare rates of $25.00/day in Wooster area, the ...

  7. Dietary Phosphorus: Economics vs. Environment

    differences were observed in growth rate (weight, height, girth, and length), reproductive measures (services ...

  8. Are Ohio Dairy Farmers Satisfied With Local Suppliers?

    agreement rating of roughly 65%, while those milking 100 to 200 cows had 70% of the farmers agree with the ...

  9. Leadership Institute: First Session

    Environmental Sciences faculty & staff, please use the code CFAES to receive the reduced rate. The cost is ...

  10. Milk Price Outlook

    to near normal rates of growth at 2%- 2.5% in 1999. The expected growth in milk production will ...
