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  1. Forage Tests Provide Valuable Information

    intake decreases because the rate of passage through the rumen decreases. Therefore, with NDF ...

  2. Harmony Farms Open House

    better production, higher conception rates during warmer months, improved hoof health and better cow ...

  3. Sprayer Cleanout

    rates, often ounces/per acre or in some cases, a fraction of an ounce per acre.  A very small residual ...

  4. Applying the 4 R's to Winter Hay Feeding

    quality; using the right fertilizer or pesticide product, putting it in the right place, at the right rate ...

  5. Key Considerations to Help Evaluate an On-Farm Solar Energy Proposal

    utility provider, rate schedule and tariffs, system design, components, warranties, and contracts. ... to be funded)? What inflation rate and discount rate is used? Does the cash flow analysis look at all ... analysis tools (e.g., net present value, Discounted Cash Flow, Internal Rate of Return) to help accurately ...

  6. Early Termination of Cover Crops

    conditions for herbicide translocation.  Mark Loux, OSU Extension weed specialist recommends a minimum rate ...

  7. Early Season Pest Problems

    label contains important information including rate, mixing directions, personal protective equipment ...

  8. Anthracnose Basal Rot on Greens

    from affected areas by moving cups frequently. Apply light rates of soluble fertilizers to improve ... times so that 4 gals/1000 sq ft of water is delivered and a full rate of fungicide. By using the high ... application of the high labeled rate of chlorothalonil. Since chlorothalonil is a contact fungicide, a maximum ...

  9. Last Alfalfa Cutting and Risk Management

    from the sun.  The rate of photosynthesis in those leaves in the fall remains high.  The issue with ...

  10. Summer Annual Forage Options

    degrees and higher arrive, these species do not thrive and their growth rates and productivity declines ...
