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CFAES Alumni Making News
come to the US fleeing record-high youth murder rates at home Whitney Fogle Gentry, BS in Agricultural ...
Key Considerations to Help Evaluate an On-Farm Solar Energy Proposal
utility provider, rate schedule and tariffs, system design, components, warranties, and contracts. ... to be funded)? What inflation rate and discount rate is used? Does the cash flow analysis look at all ... analysis tools (e.g., net present value, Discounted Cash Flow, Internal Rate of Return) to help accurately ...
Feeding Calves to Grow in Cold Weather
replacer or milk must be fed to achieve your desired growth rates. Amount of Milk Replacer/Milk Dry Matter ...
New 15 Measures of Dairy Farm Competitiveness Available
competitiveness of a dairy farm business. The 10 areas are: 1. Rate of production 2. Cost control 3. Capital ...
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13
values and cash rents. Ohio cropland values and cash rental rates are projected to increase in 2013. ... mortgage and operating loan interest rates for 2013. The average estimate of cropland value change in the ... 5 Years, Expected Percent Change in the Cash Rental Rates in the Next 5 Years, Expected Average Interest ...
Milk Price Inversion in Ohio Federal Milk Marketing Orders
utilization rates and Class 1 and Class 2 price higher than the Class 3 price, then how could your milk check ... 1 and 2 utilization rates. I will explain each of these items in turn but first we need to review the ...
Spring Applications of Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer to Cool Season Grasses
Seeding just after manure application (especially at high rates) can inhibit seed germination. Avoid gross ... a rate to match yield potential and that the total N budget be split between N applied prior to green-up ...
Improving Neighbor Relations in the Face of Palmer Amaranth, a New Weed with New Challenges
selection of pre-emerge herbicides but be sure to use maximum label rates. Finally, scout for plants any ... plant conventionally. Use a spring burn down that includes a full rate of a growth regulating herbicide ...
Events Calendar
professionals. The day’s topics will include variable rate seeding, precision placement, downforce options, and ...
Milking Excellence
subclinical infection rate goal of less than 5% per month. Rapidly Identify Problems. Develop methods that ...