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  1. Benefits of Late Fall Fertilization

    importantly, the enhanced rate of spring greening is realized without stimulating excessive shoot growth that ... decidedly inferior to that of grass which receives fertilizer during the previous fall. The rate of spring ... are referred to as controlled-release fertilizers, the rate at which nitrogen is released from these ...

  2. Digital Activism

    dedication, but with the rate at which technology and communication continue to evolve, the help of ...

  3. Upgrading and Maintaining Farm Lighting

    rating they can require a minimum starting temperature of either 32 F or 0F and at low temperatures may ... areas with prolonged exposure to moisture should be housed in fixtures with moisture resistant ratings ...

  4. Upgrading and Maintaining Farm Lighting

    rating they can require a minimum starting temperature of either 32 F or 0F and at low temperatures may ... areas with prolonged exposure to moisture should be housed in fixtures with moisture resistant ratings ...

  5. Meals in the Field

    improve your heart rate and boost relaxation, or meditating for a short time.      - Reduce stress.      - ...

  6. Best Management Spray Practices: Part 2

    increase the evaporation rate of spray droplets.  As droplets evaporate, they become smaller, they lose ...

  7. Ohio State ATI Scored 97/100 by Brookings Institution

    measure, such as graduation rates and the market value of the skills a college teaches, as well as aspects ...

  8. Steps to a Successful Beef Cow Breeding Season

    with the cows, crossing your fingers and hoping for high conception rates.  I recently came across ... progesterone for 7 days before bull exposure will not reduce fertility. Pregnancy rates will actually be ...

  9. Monitor Beef Cattle Body Condition

    requirement will be at its peak demand? Think about this; one cow missing one-heat cycle, at the 2.5 lbs. rate ...

  10. Ohio State ranks in the top 25 nationally for study abroad

    study abroad programs, compared to the university’s overall rate of approximately 20 percent. Ohio State ...
