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  1. OSU Sponsored Program: Health Impacts of Climate Change on Ohio

    Lower water quality may also boost rates of infectious insect and water-borne diseases.  Drinking water ...

  2. Ohio State Researchers Help to Author the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report

    and storing carbon dioxide, their rate of uptake is anticipated to decline due to the impacts of ...

  3. Improving Tractor Ride Comfort

    pressure too high or too low), the planter rate will also be altered (underseeding, or overseeding). Modern ...

  4. TWEL Stephen Matthews Dissertation

    I examined both intrinsic and extrinsic influences on short-term movement rates of thrushes and total ...

  5. Study: Most Farmers Willing to Take More Steps to Improve Water Quality

    Management strategies, which offer guidelines to using the right fertilizer source, at the right rate, at the ...

  6. Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs

    meetings or Workers Compensation group-rating programs. Our staff will work with you to design a program ...

  7. TWEL Marne Titchenell Thesis

    volumes at 3-6 m in height were less than 100 m3/ha. Activity rates of Myotis species and eastern ...

  8. TWEL Dissertation Graziano

    these effects carry over into the field.  We modeled the growth rate, community structure, and size/mass ...

  9. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    characteristically high rates of mortality from predation and severe weather events. The American landscape ...

  10. TWEL Desiree Narango Thesis

    rate). Peak and maximum frequencies were not well explained by habitat or morphological models and ...
