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  1. TWEL Desiree Narango Thesis

    rate). Peak and maximum frequencies were not well explained by habitat or morphological models and ...

  2. TWEL Justin Brown Thesis

    nest predation from the model resulted in a population growth rate λ = 1.157. Modeling results suggest ...

  3. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    rates of nests using logistic exposure models, and recorded number of young fledged per adult. Adults ... determine which models were important in explaining variation in daily nest survival rates and number of ...

  4. Energy Conservation in the Home

    the stock market has gone up and down. The unemployment rate remains high. Gasoline prices rise and ...

  5. Research Assistant with USGS in Ft Collins, CO

    record keeping and fine motor skills are required. Pay Rate:  $30-40k/yr or commensurate with experience ...

  6. Encouraging Ohioans to Implement Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

    projects. Not yet adopters have implemented energy efficiency measures at a considerably higher rate than ...

  7. TWEL Ian Ausprey Thesis

    are vulnerable to predation. While ecologists have assumed that survival rates of fledgling birds are ...

  8. Wheat Growth Stages and Associated Management

    Late-planted wheat has less time to tiller and should be planted at a higher seeding rate to compensate for ...

  9. River ecosystems show ‘incredible’ initial recovery after dam removal

    survival rate that was 11 percent higher than their salmon-deprived peers.   The female birds with access ...

  10. TWEL Jared Duquette Thesis

    important factor for influencing population growth rate, as lower estimates caused substantial population ...
