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  1. The Farm Balance Sheet

    that rates various farm financial measures with a vulnerable, caution or strong financial position ...

  2. March Is National Nutrition Month

    have questions, please give me a call at the office at 330-264-8722.  Also included was a rate your ...

  3. March Newsletter

    you know that Ohio has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the country? If fact, hitting even ... and the Greater Columbus Mortality Task Force working to reduce our infant mortality rate and close ...

  4. The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry

    a greenhouse that had been exposed to 1/100 th and 1/300 th of label rates of either 2,4-D or dicamba and these ...

  5. Policy Changes in the Dairy Margin Protection Program

    the premium rates for every producer's first 5 million pounds of production, to better enable ...

  6. Forage Tests Provide Valuable Information

    intake decreases because the rate of passage through the rumen decreases. Therefore, with NDF ...

  7. Harmony Farms Open House

    better production, higher conception rates during warmer months, improved hoof health and better cow ...

  8. Sprayer Cleanout

    rates, often ounces/per acre or in some cases, a fraction of an ounce per acre.  A very small residual ...

  9. Applying the 4 R's to Winter Hay Feeding

    quality; using the right fertilizer or pesticide product, putting it in the right place, at the right rate ...

  10. Early Termination of Cover Crops

    conditions for herbicide translocation.  Mark Loux, OSU Extension weed specialist recommends a minimum rate ...
