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  1. General Information

    you can choose to attend either day at a reduced rate. You will still receive CE credits for the ...

  2. ANR Retreat

    secure your room or cabin!   Room rates under the block (through April 25) will be $125 + state sales ...

  3. It's time for an Ohio Farmland Leasing Update Farmland Leasing farm leases rental rates statutory termination law ...

  4. Read Our New Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Report

    High crop prices and COVID-era ad hoc government payments coupled with lower interest rates the ...

  5. CDL Update

    processor for a total of 300 miles.  CDLs are Based on Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) Any vehicle or ... vehicle combo over 26,000lbs requires a CDL if being used for commercial purposes. A pickup truck rated at ... 14,000lbs towing a gooseneck trailer rated at 14,000lbs requires a CDL if hauling anything other than farm ...

  6. ANR Retreat

    Hampton Inn, 45 Troy Town Dr.  Troy, OH 45373. Room rates under the block (through May 15) will be $110 ...

  7. Long-Term Care Impacts on Farming Operations: A National Agricultural Law Center Webinar

    Development Economics where he worked on farm budgeting, custom rate surveys, and other farm management ...

  8. Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates In Ohio – Will Strong Markets Continue?

    payments and continued low interest rates have all contributed to stronger land markets. Higher production ... likely continue to pressure rental rates higher in the near term. Recent data from the United States ... National Ag Statistics Service (NASS) also summarizes average cash rental rates by county available through ...

  9. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2022

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents for 2020-21

    density, and competition for the cropland in a region. Factors specific to cash rental rates may include ... surveyed professionals with a knowledge of Ohio’s cropland values and rental rates. Professionals surveyed ...
