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  1. Hardin County 4-H Livestock Resources

    Loss Statement Rate of Gain & Feed Chart             ...

  2. Budgeting tips for winter holiday spending

    stringent credit conditions, and elevated interest rates.” That’s why it’s so important that as you plan for ...

  3. Ohio State receives $2.5 million to improve nutrition and physical activity

    rate of 40.6%, an adult physical inactivity rate of 35%, an adult diabetes rate of 12%, and a food ... insecurity rate of 17%. The program will also focus on Fayette County which, according to the County Health ... Rankings, ranks 74 out of 88 for health outcomes, has an adult obesity rate of 44.8%, an adult physical ...

  4. 2023 Fulton County Agricultural Hall of Fame Inductees Announced

    though various meat judging competitions, hosting the rate-of-gain competition scoring, and employing ...

  5. Working with Multiple Generations online

    generational differences, it has a huge impact on many levels. From lower performance to higher turnover rates ...

  6. "Archived" Extension Connections Radio Programs

    3-14-2022 Saving Money in the Grocery Store Aired: 3-22-2022 Using the Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator ... 4-30-2019       Digital Disconnect: reducing your cell phone addiction Aired:  4-23-2019 Variable Rate ...

  7. Ohio Cover Crops

    rating their traits, attributes, advantages, and disadvantages. Berseem Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio  ...

  8. Webinar 3- Rosemarie Rosetti, Ph.D.

    in Columbus, Ohio. This is North America's highest-rated universal design home, ... rating certification on the LEED for Homes program from the U. S. Green Building Council and a Gold ... rating certification on the National Green Building Standard program. In addition, the home is certified ...

  9. Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size: Moving Away from Harmful Diet Culture Toward Self-Compassion

    attributed to a 95% long-term failure rate.  Weight management programs feed on insecurities that are ...

  10. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

    rate of $100 (after March 1, registration is $150). This registration is available online at ...
