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  1. Green Features

    Council (USGBC) was formed and the search for a system to rate and qualify "green" buildings ...

  2. Agronomy- Plant and Soil

    Conrad Soybean Seeding Rate Trial YouTube Video 2013 Corn/Soybean Day Presenter Summary Agronomic Crops ... receipts. Custom Rates for Ohio  - Survey of rates charged for field activities and other farm operations. ...

  3. Farm Management

    of the most frequently asked question is, "What cash rental rate is fair?"  The question is ... would like it to be one rate that fits all, the reality is that every situation is different.  It truly ... Rents and Land Values Ohio Farm Custom Rates Other States Iowa Cash Rental Survey Crop Yields by County ...

  4. Rental Rates

    Rental rates effective July 1, 2019 (our rental rates increased 7/1/2019) External Rental Rates ... University Department Rental Rates Extension / CFAES Rental Rates S tudent Organization Rental Rates ...

  5. From 4-H to the Olympics: Ohio native part of USA Shooting National Junior Team

    a steady heart rate, and control of your emotions to become great. Without 4-H, we wouldn’t have made all ...

  6. Market Steer Tag-In/Weigh-In

    weighed to be eligible for the Rate of Gain Contest. The Jr. Fair Exhibitor will be given a copy of their ...

  7. ZUMBA! in Forest

    Drop in rate ONLY- $3 per class  Participants should bring a water bottle adn wear proper work out ...

  8. 4-H Night with the Cincinnati Reds

    discounted ticket rates, counties will earn $4 from each ticket purchased using the link below and have their ...

  9. ZUMBA! in Kenton

    Wellness. Drop in rate is $3 per class. Classes will be cancelled if Simon Kenton closes for any reason. ...

  10. ZUMBA! in Kenton

    Wellness. Drop in rate is $3 per class. Classes will be cancelled if Simon Kenton closes for any reason. ...
