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  1. Ani Katchova Presents on Farm Income on Capitol Hill

    Values Summaries. She noted: U.S. cropland values increased by a modest rate of 0.7 percent in 2015 U.S. ... own less farmland than their established counterparts and current low farm income rates may be ...

  2. Ani Katchova Presents on Farm Income on Capitol Hill

    Values Summaries. She noted: U.S. cropland values increased by a modest rate of 0.7 percent in 2015 U.S. ... own less farmland than their established counterparts and current low farm income rates may be ...

  3. Events Calendar

    professionals. The day’s topics will include variable rate seeding, precision placement, downforce options, and ...

  4. With or Without Siblings: Sorting into Competition in the Experimental Chinese Labor Market

    a real task, first under a non-competitive piece rate and then under a competitive tournament incentive ...

  5. Research Finds Gaps in Retailers Accepting Food Stamps; Could Be Affecting Program’s Effectiveness

    participation rates occurred in rural areas could partially explain why the SNAP program has an uncertain effect ... debate on the effectiveness of the SNAP program. By offering a lens on SNAP retail participation rates in ... Morgan County had a food insecurity rate of 20 percent in 2010, ranking it as one of the top five most ...

  6. AEDE Seeks Participants for Study on Consumer Eating Habits, Free Lunch Included

    shows that Americans are altering their diets at increasing rates, causing food and beverage companies ...

  7. In Surveys, People Say They'll Pay Twice What They're Actually Willing to Spend

    researchers found. Certainty follow-up involves asking the study participant to rate his or her level of ...

  8. AEDE Seeks Participants for Study on Consumer Eating Habits, Free Lunch Included

    shows that Americans are altering their diets at increasing rates, causing food and beverage companies ...

  9. United States: Milk Cows and Yield per Cow

    3:[Chart 2] the comparison with productivity (rate of change in milk production) and Class 3 milk price. ...

  10. AEDE Welcomes Visiting Professor Mauricio Vaz Lobo Bittencourt

    determinants for Brazilian trade at the sectoral level, as well as conduct a thorough Brazilian exchange rate ... analysis by examining how varying exchange rates affect trade in and out of the country. In total, ...
