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TWEL Laura Kearns Dissertation
information about predation risk in nest-site selection, and 3) are provisioning rates to nestlings adjusted ... document parental feeding rates, predator surveys to estimate perceived risk, and nest survival rates to ... decisions about provisioning. Furthermore, provisioning rates were not related to nest fate. If provisioning ...
TWEL Ashley Buchanan Thesis
influence movement rate and patch residence time, and 3) examine factors influencing stopover duration. ... rate within patch for each bird-patch-day combination. The random effect was the individual bird in ... behavior. Mean total distance moved per day was 2.2 km for YRWA and 0.9 km for REVI. Mean movement rate (m ...
Western Agricultural Research Station Agronomy Field Day
morning. After lunch, we will tour soybean plots that received various sources and rates of nitrogen ...
Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines
embarking on a major initiative to determine the optimal rates of fertilization on the state’s major crops. ... fertilization rates are common, with some ag retailers recommending higher or lower rates than what’s in the ... trials and gathering a good, robust data set so farmers know what the appropriate application rate really ...
Introductory HACCP
for a discounted rate of $119 per night. For reservations, follow this link and use the group code ... rate. After May 20, please contact Jenna Lautenschlager directly at 614-268-8700 to make your reservation ...
TWEL Richard Geboy Thesis
emergence with nesting chronology, nesting effort, and nest parasitism rates in a southern Illinois wood ... duck population that nests in natural cavities. Nest chronology, nesting effort, and parasitism rates ... upland habitats commenced during the week of 13-April in 2001 and 2002. Rates of leaf emergence did not ...
TWEL Jennifer Smith-Castro Thesis
survival by reducing parental attendance rates, thereby leaving nests more vulnerable to predation; 2) ... a logistic-exposure method to model daily nest survival. Estimated daily survival rates for Northern Cardinals were ... similar across sites, and variation in daily survival rate of Northern Cardinal nests was not well ...
Olivia Smith Graduate Defense Seminar
and intentional management using woodlot edge enhancement affect rates of change in abundance. The ... declines of 4.08% annually and an even higher rate of 6.88% in Ohio. Early-successional woody was the only ...
Honors Research Proposal Presentations
effects of axenicity on hatch rate, larval mortality, growth, and lifespan.” For more information ...
TWEL Adam Janke Thesis
knowledge of factors affecting population growth rates, conservation efforts aimed at reversing population ... where active management may improve population growth rates. To understand the ecology of bobwhites in ... growth rates, management strategies should focus on improving non-breeding season survival in this ...