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  1. Hugh Walpole's Graduate Defense Seminar

    to their increased rates of structure survivability and reduced strain on public safety resources and ...

  2. Jason Tucker's Graduate Defense Seminar

    a population viability analysis based on population vital rates such as survival, recruitment, fledge success, ... and mortality rates; and environmental factors such as suitable breeding habitat availability and land ...

  3. David Tomashefski's Defense Seminar

    properties and combining the outcomes into a single erodibility rating. Properties selected for measurement ...

  4. TWEL Michael Graziano Dissertation

    effects carry over into the field. We modeled the growth rate, community structure, and size/mass at ...

  5. New OSU Extension Expert Working with Growers to Reduce Nutrient Loads

    a large number of farms across the state to determine updated phosphorus and potassium fertilization rates ... Growers can determine the fertility rates, and farmers and educators will be paid for their time and ...

  6. Revised Phosphorus Index Can Help Curb Agricultural Runoff

    placement, soil phosphorus content, field topography, soil infiltration rate and cover crops. In addition to ...

  7. Past and Future Wildfire as Predicted by Combustion Dynamics and Ignition in Lake States Ecosystems

    human ignitions to address variance in wildland fire rates.  Measured ecosystem fire metrics (fire ...

  8. Key Considerations to Help Evaluate an On-Farm Solar Energy Proposal

    utility provider, rate schedule and tariffs, system design, components, warranties, and contracts. ... to be funded)? What inflation rate and discount rate is used? Does the cash flow analysis look at all ... analysis tools (e.g., net present value, Discounted Cash Flow, Internal Rate of Return) to help accurately ...

  9. Jennifer Malpass' Defense Seminar

    higher in yards. Both robins and cardinals experienced similar nest survival rates in residential yards ... most frequently detected. For cardinals, nest survival rates showed no association with either feeder ...

  10. Departure Decisions and Movement Behavior of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover

    a positive relationship to movement rates of migrants. Next, based on a broader sample of 124 radio marked ... have substantially larger implications on the overall rate of migration. As a consequence, individuals ...
