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  1. Tomatoes as a Way to Fight Skin Cancer?

    rate of non-melanoma skin cancers in mice. The study's senior author is Tatiana Oberyszyn, ...

  2. Ohio State Researchers: Eating Tomatoes May Protect Against Skin Cancer

    Cancer Society. Despite a low mortality rate, these cancers are costly, about $8.1 billion a year, are ... disfiguring, and their rates are increasing, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “As ...

  3. Grow Your Own Buckeye Tree

    makes a fairly good shade tree, and fall foliage can be red, orange or yellow. The Ohio buckeye is rated ...

  4. Yukon

    gallons). COC may cause injury at the higher Yukon rates. UAN (28% UAN, etc.- 2 to 4 quarts/A) or AMS (2 to ...

  5. thifensulfuron (Harmony etc)

    the following rates: 28%- 2 to 4 quarts/A; 10-34-0- 2 to 4 pints/A; or AMS- 2 to 4 pounds/A. Under dry ...

  6. Zidua

    2.5 to 4 oz.  The label allows rates lower than those listed here when applied postemergence or used ...

  7. Stone Lab scholarship recipient enjoys evolutionary experience

    survivorship rates of Lake Erie island birds and as he began going on field trips with Marshall’s Evolution ... estimate survival rates for red-winged blackbirds and American robins. “This was the first year in the data ...

  8. Market Steer Weigh-In & Tagging

    for the Rate of Gain Contest. The Hardin County Cattle Producers will furnish the tag for the first ...

  9. Zemax

    or greater soil OM. Rate can be reduced to 1.6 qt/A when applied early postemergence with glyphosate ...

  10. Sesquicentennial Scholars making waves

    (100 percent success rate!). Recently, I have embraced my role as a doctoral student in one of the most ...
