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  1. Handling and Transporting Neonatal Calves

    mortality rates of calves (Hemsworth et al., 1995; Knowles, 1995). However, few calves usually die during ... A strong negative correlation exists between age at transport and mortality rate, such that mortality rates ... rates are high. Transport or shipping fever, also known as bovine respiratory disease, is generally ...

  2. Now is the Time for Tax Planning

    gains rates (noncorporate taxpayers). Category of Gain Tax Rate Gain on collectibles 28% Unrecaptured ... Depreciation I.R.C. § 1250 gain 25% Net long-term capital gain  15% Reduced long-term capital gain rate if ... ordinary tax rate is 10% or 15% 5%   ...

  3. Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?

    equivalent to annual rates of 20 to 24%. For example, if a farm owed $10,000 to a feed mill, did not make any ... following: If a credit card holder has a $2000 balance on a credit card with an 18% interest rate and only ... checking your credit rating regularly. Items can mistakenly land on your credit report, which if left ...

  4. Corn Silage Harvest Fall 2018

    diet of the corn silage with lower digestibility? If feeding rates are adequate for having two storage ...

  5. Assessing Winter Damage and Evaluating Alfalfa Stand Health

    x sudangrass. The previously mentioned University of Wisconsin publication has a root health rating system, ...

  6. Milk Pricing and Policy

    act would impose Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQ) on imported milk protein concentrates and on casein products ... Differential $0.88 $0.71 MILC Payment Rate $1.80 $1.74 Table 3. Average market pay prices for milk fat, ... quarter of the year. Let's hope that a slowing of production from this increased slaughter rate ...

  7. New Information on Feeding Behavior and Intake by Lactating Cows

    rate of consumption (i.e., more feed consumed per minute spent eating). Both of these can have negative ... the rate of eating (grams of dry matter per minute) was increased by almost 25% for cows fed for low ... for acidosis because of the increased rate of feed consumption. This should be considered before ...

  8. MarketView...U.S. Dairy Outlook Brief March 2010

    installment of Buckeye Dairy News, December 2009, discussed the relationship between the annualized rate of ... rate of change in U.S. milk production.  My comments center on the two charts shown below. The first ... This chart shows the annualized rate of change, growth or decline, in U.S. milk production over the ...

  9. OSU Introductory HACCP for Meat and Poultry Processors

    information. Note: rates may be out of date for December of 2014, but contact information should be correct. ...

  10. Dairy Market Watch, July 2012

    back to the US dairy herd.  The US herd expansion is at an estimated annual rate of +0.84%.  During ... dairy cows nationally, milk production growth slowed from a torrid 7.43% annualized rate delivered in ... February to a very modest 0.93% annualized rate in June 2012.  Should this continue, and I expect growth ...
