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  1. Pollinator Ratings in Soybean Varieties

    activities were observed in all soybean varieties, but nectar production and bee visitation rate were highly ... attractive to bees, please see our 2022 Pollinator Ratings in Soybean Varieties Report. ...

  2. Filter Strips/Grassed Riparian Buffers (NRCS 393 & 390)

    Kovacic, 1993). For tiled lands, nitrate removal varies with seasonal hydrology. The removal rate was 75 ...

  3. Restored Wetlands (NRCS 657)

    a high Corn Suitability Rating (CSR 80) treating about 100 acres of drainage, would cost just over ...

  4. Amending Soils with Lime or Gypsum (NRCS 333)

    production or when the field phosphorus index rates high or very high. One field experiment in Ohio measured ... information needed to evaluate the need for lime and determine rates of application of selected material. ...

  5. OSU Rates at Hawk's Nest Golf Course

    Junior/ OSU Student/ OSU Employee Rates (must show BuckID for OSU) 9 holes walking- $10.00 18 holes ...

  6. Soybean Planting Progress, Emergence, and Misconceptions

    important to seed at a rate that will provide an adequate and relatively uniform stand. In Ohio, for soybean ... planted in May, we recommend a seeding rate of approximately 140,000 seeds/acre with the goal of at least ... texture or gauge wheel type. Rate of emergence over four days was altered but did not result in yield ...

  7. Evaluate rate to account for organic and inorganic nitrogen sources applied

    might limit the total rate of the organic source applied, additional nitrogen might be needed. ... commercial fertilizer rates and to match the total nitrogen needs of the crop. The highest measured nitrogen ... losses in water are seen where full rates of commercial fertilizer nitrogen are applied in combination ...

  8. Forage Economics

    considerations Establishing a Fair Pasture Rental Rate Ohio Farm Custom Rates and Machinery Costs Farm Management ...

  9. Multi-State Research Summaries

    Central US Agronomically Optimal Soybean Seeding Rates and Associated Risk Across North America Assessing ...

  10. Soil Test P value less than 50 PPM (or "Lower" P Risk Assessment)

    of fertilizer at the crop removal rate to reduce risk of yield reduction. Another consideration with ... STP less than the "critical level" is to apply additional fertilizer at rates more than crop ... application of crop removal rates of fertilizer. A maintenance application can be applied any time during the ...
