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  1. Study reveals Ohio’s growing struggle to preserve agricultural land amid urban expansion

    farmland preservation.” The study also found that the rate of agricultural land loss is consistent with ... preservation programs may be developed for cities and rural areas based on their different rates of converting ...

  2. Ohio farmers seek energy efficiency amid rising costs

    consumption.  “The data has shown us that if you have a farm and you are on a demand rate, simple changes in ... energy development. “Many farms aren’t aware of the details in their electric rate structure.”  The shift ... from diesel fuel to electricity has caused farms to be heavy electricity users. Demand rates, typically ...

  3. Ohio State assists Ohio farmers following USDA natural disaster declaration

    hit, with 58% of corn and 54% of soybeans rated fair to very poor, according to the Sept. 3 USDA crop ...

  4. Ohio State research reveals hospital modernization’s impact on health outcomes and racial inequality

    infant mortality rates. Notably, the reduction was three times larger for Black infants (13.6%) compared ... also had enduring health effects, with long-term mortality rates for those exposed at birth declining ...

  5. Ohio State receives $4.9 million to train climate-ready workforce along Lake Erie shoreline

    also chosen because they are under distress due to high unemployment rates, with the per capita income ...

  6. Spring planting delays may cause some farmers to make adjustments to improve yields

    population and seeding rates, OSU Extension agronomists recommended in a recent CORN newsletter post. ... seeding rates. Other recommendations include: When planting corn late, consider shorter season hybrids ...

  7. New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing

    will provide research-based phosphorus or potassium rate response information to assist farmers in ... selecting the minimum fertilizer rate expected to produce maximal crop yield. Key features of FRST include: ...

  8. Ohio Coal Communities

    of the country, and experience disproportionately high rates of disability, illness, poverty, infant ...

  9. CFAES names its Distinguished Professors

    citation rate of nearly 1,000 per year. Kubota was named a fellow of the American Society for Horticultural ... chemical, and GI microbiological processes related to fiber and starch degradation including rate of food ...

  10. We Lead the University in Student Success

    graduation 4-year  and  6-year graduation rates exceed the university’s average ...
