Introducing OSU Code Club!
New to coding?
Interested in learning new coding skills?
Want to refine current coding skills?
Join us at OSU Code Club -- a regularly occurring, interactive, online gathering to improve coding skills. We aim for a supportive and fun culture of learning together, and hope to offer something to participants at any experience level.
In each meeting, a presenter first introduces a concept or tool to be used for a challenge that we’ll work on as small groups in Zoom “breakout rooms”. We’ll then reconvene to see what approaches were taken and to share lessons learned. Code Club organizers will lead initial sessions, but we hope participants will eventually join us in doing so by identifying their own topics of interest and associated challenges for the group.
To learn more about Code Club and to sign up, visit
Code Club is organized by Jelmer Poelstra (MCIC), Mike Sovic (CAPS), Stephen Opiyo (MCIC), Michael Broe (EEOB), and Jessica Cooperstone (HCS/FST)